The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60799   Message #975928
Posted By: Peter T.
03-Jul-03 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: Obit: The Great Katharine Hepburn
Subject: RE: Obit: The Great Katharine Hepburn
Oh, Sinatra had his moments in some of those grittier films of the 50s, but, agreed, he was no Stewart. To see him and Hepburn and Grant together on the screen in The Philadelphia Story is pure bliss. I think it was Joseph Cotton who played Dexter on Broadway -- can you imagine!!

I think Stewart's best performances are in Destry Rides Again and Vertigo. Destry may be the best -- it is so understated, very beautiful acting, great charisma. But Vertigo is such a great film, and the scenes where he makes over Kim Novak are terrifying. yours, Peter T.