The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60909   Message #976096
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Jul-03 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: mexican food
Subject: RE: BS: mexican food
pan dulce (sweet bread)
aguacate (guacamole was called this in Sonoyta, Sonora)
chicken molé
camarón mojo en ajo (shrimp soaked in garlic--I looked up "shrimp," I seem to remember another word used. "Gamba" is prawn, but that doesn't sound like what it was called, either).
galletas (cookies)

How about a few ingredients?

crema media (medium cream, used on lots of dishes)
ajo (garlic)
pescado (fish)
limón (lemon)
huevos (eggs)
especias (spices)
queso (cheese)

I don't remember much of this any more. Used to go to Sonoyta to eat all of the time when I lived at the border in Arizona. I hope you know how to pronounce some of these things when it comes to any rhyming!