The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12277   Message #97645
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Jul-99 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: Music: Police and Striking Miners
Subject: RE: Police and Striking Miners
So then it is your opinion that when the armed troopers were dousing the tents at Ludlow with kerosene and shooting at the children in the hole in the ground that the miners were not justified in taking arms and trying to stop the attackers? I am not flame throwing here, this is a historical circumstance that one can use for an example. There are plenty of examples right up to current times that we can use. I would love to be able to say that no cause is worth even one life. And I cannot speak for what anyone else would do. But as a person who has spent his life in a cause, I can tell you that there are indeed circumstances and causes that I would give my life for, ........and take a life for, as hard as that seems. In my utopian world this would not be so, but in the real world it is.
