The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20801 Message #976894
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
04-Jul-03 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Remember Les Cousins, in London's Soho?
Subject: Les Cousins
Anyone out there got any interesting memories of Les Cousins ( cult 60s London, Soho, Folkclub). I'll start with this one:- One time, I was in Cousins, (67/68? ), and Davy Graham was running the evening. He was in a very talkative mood - which wasn't always the case- and at some point he starts attacking the then current - and new - trend for writing long songs, Davy finished his attack by saying that if a songwriter couldn't get his message over in 3 minutes or so then he was lacking vital skills. He had barely finished his tirade when Roy Harper pops his head round the door ( he was wearing a woolly hat a la " Gengis Smith * photo). Davy invites Roy to do a few numbers, and , of course, the first number Roy did was a lenghty 8min plus job. Interestingly, I don't suppose either Davy or Roy saw the irony of it all, as Roy missed Davy's comments and Davy disappeared during Roy's mini-set.
I moved this message here from another thread on the same topic. -Joe Offer-