The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48931   Message #977220
Posted By: OldPossum
05-Jul-03 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Missing DT tunes - Part NINE
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Missing DT tunes - Part NINE
I CAN SAIL (filename[ CANSAIL2) tune posted here. This is actually a song in the Swedish language, so I would suggest renaming the title of the DT entry to the Swedish "Vem kan segla". It is perhaps a bit misleading to have an English title to a Swedish song.

There is an error in line 2 of the first verse. It should read:

vem kan skiljas fraan vaennen sin utan att faella taarar.

aa represents the letter å - the DT file probably got it wrong during the character conversion.

This tune also covers WHO CAN SAIL (filename[ CANSAIL). This is an English translation of the above song, and I don't think it was meant to be a singable translation, since it doesn't scan very well. I sure wouldn't like to try aligning the lyrics to the tune! Actually the DT editor(s) might consider incorporating WHO CAN SAIL in the notes to I CAN SAIL and so have the translation in the same file as the Swedish original. Anyway WHO CAN SAIL can be covered with a cross-reference to this tune.