The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60944   Message #977474
Posted By: 8_Pints
05-Jul-03 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Classic English folk albums
Subject: RE: Classic English folk albums
I would include:

'Layers', and also 'All things in Common'(Chris Foster)
'Bare Bones' (Tony Rose)
'Nic Jones' (Nic Jones)
'Bandoggs' (Nic Jones, Pete & Chris Coe, Tony Rose)
'Celebrated Yorkshire Relish' (Derek & Dorothy Elliot plus Nadine)
'One Night Stand' (Dave Shannon & Fiona Simpson aka Therapy)
'Varry Canny' (Canny Fettle)
'Free & Easy' ( Johnny Collins, et al)
'Nowt So Good'll Pass' (Bob Fox & Stu Luckley)
'To Friend & Foe' (Graham & Eileen Pratt)
'The House Band' (Ged Foley, Iain MacLeod, Chris Parkinson, Jimmy Young)

Bob vG