The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60937   Message #977477
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
05-Jul-03 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
Subject: RE: Origins: Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
The words Cilla Fisher sings on 'Cilla & Artie' (1979) plus some info can be found at My Songbook

Some conflicting info there:

[1984:] Sheila MacGregor learned this song from her mother, Belle Stewart, who some thirty years ago heard an old ploughman sing it while tattie-lifting near Blairgowrie. His version started with v. 2 above ... so Belle made up the first verse herself and inserted it, partly as an opening to the song and partly to provide a reason, a provocation, for the man battering his wife, viz. she'd married him for his money. [...] (Ailie Munro, The Democratic Muse 120)

[2001:] Mickey's Warning, a comic song with serious undertones, was learned during the Stewarts' time in Ireland between the two world wars. (Notes 'Scots Women' - where the title is given as 'Mickey's Warning', and Cilla is the singer, too)