The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20801   Message #977822
Posted By: boglion
06-Jul-03 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: Remember Les Cousins, in London's Soho?
Subject: RE: Remember Les Cousin's, in London's Soho?
I remember Cousins only too well. We'd often do both sessions on a Saturday night.

Sitting in the back corner by the Ladies toilet and using its door as a fan operated by foot.... We'd see Harper, Jansch, Renbourne, and dozens of other legends.

We'd tip out into the Soho air at 6am and walk back across the river. We'd stop at St George's circus for breakfast and then home to bed.

Great times.

About the same time we'd go to the Marquee and see bands like Taste and Nice.

One night at the Marquee the Doors turned up to see the Nice and just mingled with the crowd.

Ooh I'm feeling all nostalgic....
