The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60937   Message #978758
Posted By: Mark Cohen
07-Jul-03 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk
Subject: Lyr Add: I'm Going for a Walk, Ed Silberman
Ed Silberman of San Francisco wrote this back in the early 80's. It's to the same tune but from a man's point of view. It's decidedly not comic.

By the way, does anyone have that Smithsonian collection, "Music of Scotland"? I'd be curious to know who sang the song on it.

Lyrics (c) Ed Silberman
Tune: Blue Bleezin' Blind Drunk (Mickey's Warning)

Oh, friends I have a sad story
And I'll tell it so clear and so plain
I married a woman named Molly
But I bring her a world full of pain

She's the rose of my heart and my treasure
And that's why I just don't understand
Why when we disagree I get bothered
And I give her the back of my hand

So I'm getting my coat and I'm going for a walk
Just to get the wife out of my danger
To pick through my mind in hopes somewhere to find
Why I've become such a stranger

Oh, it isn't because I don't love her
Sometimes we're so tender and soft
But then I'll fly off in a temper
With a rage I can't seem to turn off

When I was a kid, the folks quarrelled
And sometimes my dad used his hand
And I stood and I stared in amazement
"I'll never be that kind of man"


Now some say I should go to a doctor
And some say I should go see the priest
And some say I should find a new living
For my job turns me into a beast

And at night when I look on my children
I know I'm not raising them right
For I know children bicker and quarrel
But I see Jimmy's learning to fight

