The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60711   Message #979070
Posted By: GUEST,Big Mick
08-Jul-03 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Subject: RE: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Big Mick here, from the depths of computer hell. I apologize to my friends at the Mudcat for my extended absence. My computer continues to make me pay for all my sins in this and several previous lives. Hopefully I will have sufficiently atoned meself soon and will be able to get back to a more normal posting schedule. I miss this place.

Jed, little bro of mine, did you tape this show? Video or audio? I would love to purchase a copy.

Once you got my interested in this I started to look around at the Irish in this and other wars. There are some great songs being written about the Irish immigrant and there war experiences. Tim O'Brien has got some wonderful songs.

I think I have got to order a copy of "No Irish Need Apply" from the Gallant Sons. It sounds wonderful.

All the best,

Big Mick Lane