The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61064   Message #979300
Posted By: Laurent
08-Jul-03 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs heard at Sidmouth Festival
Subject: LyrReq: songs heard at Sidmouth Festival
I'm looking for title and lyrics and songwriter of two songs I heard at Sidmouth Festival in the late 1970s (was it 1978?). I really had a great time there with friends from Southampton based King John's Morris.

The first one start like this :

It's been a long time since you've seen her.
Must have been three years or more
Will she be waiting as we dock, boys
Or like others, will she be gone.

Heave one more pull, boys,
That will do boys,
Soon we'll draw along side (?)
Hoist her up, boys
Swing her in board (?)
For our voyage is nearly done

After all these years I can still remember the tune of the second song, but only a few words of one verse :

Something at the end of a verse like :

Ireland, Netherlands, France and Spain
Then he get back to old England again.

And the chorus sound something like this :
Lang(?) for day, lang for day,
Lang for diddle and diddle and day.

Any help would be welcomed (particularly for the second one).

Merci d'avance.