The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57663   Message #979546
Posted By: ET
09-Jul-03 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: Licensing Bill moves on -OUR FUTURE
Subject: RE: Licensing Bill moves on -OUR FUTURE
Interesting though these arguments are the big problem is this - who is going to take these fine points - especially on human rights? remember it is not likely to be the Bacup Cloggers that are prosecuted. Even the most ardent Local Authority would be unlikely to want to prosecute the organisor of such event. Its hardly likely to come top of the pops in prosecution priorities. It would be the landlord who would be threatened first and he would stop the dancing because he would not want to risk having the expensive of defending his position with lawyers against a local authority with a bottomless pit of resource, Your Money!!

I think the way forward is twofold - continue the pressure - Richard is putting this on the Joint committee on Human Rights - continue to protest to MPS - I wrote again to Tony Mr Guitar Blair the other day - try to convince his officials to let him read it and not send it to DCMS.

This legislation has a built in "promise" from DCMS to review if it proves to be the disaster it looks likely to. DCMS is supposed to promote culture and tourism. Tourism in this country is so much in the doldrums that the Royal Family were trying to promote it recently.

And chat to your local Landlord. Convince him when he gets the forms to talk to you. Express clearly and precisely the sort of entertainment he needs so as far as possible to avoid antaganising the locals.

Most landlords have not received any information on the new Act. The local authorities generally have taken database records from the courts and ought to be writing to them soon.