The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39270   Message #980134
Posted By: GUEST,rita
09-Jul-03 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Old Johnny Bull Was a Silly Old Fool
Subject: Lyr Add: OLD JOHNNY BULL (from Matt McGinn)
He are the words to Old Johnny Bull, taken from the "Matt McGinn" as stated above. Some of the songs from that LP are available on "The Best of Matt McGinn", but that one isn't included. There's an email address for more info, though:

CHORUS: Old Johnny Bull was a silly old fool
He was drunk both night and day
He swore that the hair on his head was fair
But the ruddy old stuff was grey, was grey
The ruddy old stuff was grey

With his umbrella and a big CUSAR(?)
He'd set off overseas
Kick every black till they stabbed him in his back
Then crawled home on his knees


He put up his mitts to his old pal Fritz
Saying "I'll soon stop your larks"
With a mighty pound Fritz fell to the ground
Then arose with a million marks


He tried for a dance from la Belle France
In a great big fancy hall
She cried "disgrace" and she slapped his face
Then she barred him from the hall


He didn't have a home so he went for a loan
To his friends in the USA
Says Uncle Sam as he stuck him in the pram
"To hell now all the way!"


Now to end this tale, his heart did fail
After several false alarms
When they shovelled him in
He did look thin
Though he still had mighty arms