The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61076   Message #980421
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Jul-03 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Iranian siamese twins
Subject: RE: Iranian siamese twins
Mr. Clark.......Please post your e-mail address as many of us are obviously in need of your services. For instance, right now I am considering taking a piss but I feel I need to check it out with you first. Now that I have given up my right to self-determination, I expect you to be on hand to make any and all decisions for me. Perhaps you could publish a few guidelines which would make it easier for both of us. For instance, it is okay to shit twice a day but anything above and beyond that I need to check out with you.

I apologize for already eating breakfast and having some coffee. Can you get back to me though ASAP? I take Lasix and have to piss like a race horse right now and since you are the Almighty One, Knower of All Things, and Grand PooBah of Life Functions, this is a decision falling under your domain.

Ya' know, I can't help but notice your name.....Jim Clark. Another Jim Clark was a hero of mine, but I am sure you don't approve of him at all. He risk his life almost daily for no other reason than to go fast in cars. The only thing he had to offer to you I guess was entertainment value but for many of us he was a remarkable man, an artist and craftsman without peer. He died 35 years ago driving an F2 car in the rain in a practice at Hockenheim. I'm sure you believe he wasted his life.....but it was his life, his choice. You don't get that do you? No....I didn't think so...............
