The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60944   Message #980494
Posted By: GUEST,Anastassia
10-Jul-03 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Classic English folk albums
Subject: Sorry for the offtopic, but...
PLEASE, we need your help! We are Russian musicians, playing ethnic, espessialy Celtic music. You can see address of our Web-site at the bottom of the message. We loved very much the song "Hindero Horo" from Maire NĂ­ Chathasaigh's "New strung harp" but we can not find the lyrics in the Internet. There are not too many experts of Scottish Gaelic in Russia :), even those who understand something by ear can not complete the text. Would you be so kind to contact us with Maire or somebody who can share the text with us? Guys from snowy country never forget you!

Thank you in advance,

Anastassia (Russian-Celtic harper :)