The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57663   Message #980686
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
10-Jul-03 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Licensing Bill moves on -OUR FUTURE
Subject: RE: Licensing Bill moves on -OUR FUTURE
A key element in the refusal of the Government to give way on the small premises exemption was said to have been a letter from Association of Chief Police Officers. It appears that this letter was a significant factor in getting the Liberals to roll over and play dead.

But in fact, in keeping with what appears to be current Government practice, Parliament was misled about what the letter actually said. True enough the letter did express opposition to the small premises exemption amendment as it stood - but the letter contained this indicating support for a modified amendment exempting un-amplified sessions in pubs:

Furthermore, provision of un-amplified music rarely gives rise to policing concerns. To further the interests of genuinely low level activity - for example, traditional folk music - the Association could lend its support to amendments that suspend all licence conditions on un-amplified music in small pubs. This support is conditional on there being effective review procedures in place so that the police could take action against a small proportion of venue operators who might exploit such liberalisation.

But of course this option was not put to Parliament. We woz robbed!