The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60711   Message #980967
Posted By: JedMarum
10-Jul-03 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Subject: RE: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Thanks Dan for the info. I only read about Meagher (and Corcoran for that matter) in passing; their exploits as related in histories, and maybe in a bit more personal way from McCarter's memoirs. Actually I really enjoyed McCarter's memoirs. McCarter truly thought the world of Meagher, even though McCarter strongly disliked excessive drinking and swearing (and Meagher was prone to both).

I'd wondered about Meagher's background. I suppose I could find some biographical material on him. I'll keep my eye out for a good book.

I got a nice review form Irish Music mag ... they said, "Irish Music Magazine readers will be delighted to hear Jed's take on our own Dan Milner's ballad of the Irish in revolutionary New York, The Sons of Liberty. "

Do you write for them Dan? I continue to play the song ... and audiences always respond to it. I am asked about the story, from time-to-time.