The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61104   Message #981131
Posted By: GUEST,Referee
11-Jul-03 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: GUEST Referee
Subject: RE: GUEST Referee
Why thank you for giving me a thread all of my own.

How often do guests get such treatment.

In all seriousness, I'm indebted to dipsodeb for her acknowledging the issue which prompted my intervention.

Although not based in SE London, I have made the occasional foray northwards into the smoke and have met a few of the musicians who play in that area and have been made feel most welcome by, I've come to realise, members of both "factions" in last year's unseemly shenanigans.

I think it's a great pity because there are some excellent musicians and generous-spirited individuals in your neck of the woods and I've watched schisms appear with great sadness.

If you lived out in the wilds like me, you'd give your eye teeth for the opportunity to play a bit of trad or folk (personally I'm a big fan of both - and have a lot of time for country music as well!).

My guitar playing has improved a lot from sitting in with some of the lads in the trad sessions. Though I must admit to having felt a bit reluctant to do my thing at the Tudor Barn and The Anchor (which I've only ever visited once).

End of story.

Thanks, John Barden, for giving me the opportunity to make my case at more length than would have been appropriate otherwise.

When I'm next up your way - likely to be September cos I'm off to France for most of August - I'll look you up.

Till then, roll on buddy ...

Matthew (Mattie) Pearson