The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61076   Message #981356
Posted By: PeteBoom
11-Jul-03 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Iranian siamese twins
Subject: RE: Iranian siamese twins
Mick - yer wasting words. Our JC here has all the answers. He reminds me of one who has never faced death - his own or anyone close to him. His personal prejudices and ill-education come shining thru in this thread.

The true path of Islam embraces death no more than that of Christian, Jewish, Taoist or any other religion I can think of. There are evil ones who will wrap themselves in sheep's clothing and twist words to their own end. That is human nature. In the end they are found out and served up, cooked in their own hate.

If you claim to embrace life, you must also embrace death. If you fear one you must fear the other. Death and life are part of the balance of the universe. If you claim to embrace one and fear the other then you are not following the path to its logical conclusion. You are either deceiving yourself as to the meaning, or, you are a hypocrite and a liar.   

Stand Fast.