The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12440   Message #98176
Posted By: Liam's Brother
22-Jul-99 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern
Hey, Lonesome! Good to see you again. I guess you work here for the company, huh?

Gimme a pint of that Flower's stuff. I've only seen that once outside of England... place in Toronto had 40 beers on tap or something.

Anything new on the juke box? Oh yeah! Blind Beggar's Daughter of Bethnal Green? By The Who. Oh, no. What did you say, not by The Who but by who? Oh, him. Yeah, good... one of his best.

Wow, this is Flower's? What is it... brown ale, porter? You say the label came off the barrel. Good anyway. I wonder where this comes from. Ask one of them Limeys that comes in here, would you.

Talking about Limeys, I hear them Beatles are getting back together again. No, I didn't hear who they're gonna get to play the harmonica, maybe that Julian kid. He don't play the harmonica? Ok, scratch Love Me Do and put in Harry Chrishna Everybody instead.

Ok, Lonesome, I'm outta here. One's my limit.