The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12438   Message #98245
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
22-Jul-99 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Heroes (the truth, but BS)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Heroes (the truth, but BS)
When I started this thread I was thinking of people whose contributions were not limited to places within the Mudcat, and I'd like to add Chet W. to the list for the Humanitarian award for his work trying to bring light into lives filled with darkness (not a racial statement). I know there are many others who deserve this award for similar and varying reasons, and I hope you will nominate those you know, and make up other appropriate awards.

I'd also like to add Winters Wages to the Friend in Need thread and indicate that that is an award having to do with a personal problem of mine and is in no way meant to be a list of all the people I love and respect in this community. In a very real way, the entire membership qualifies for that award, as you have all greatly enriched my life--giving me songs, information, or just the time of day, making me laugh or bringing tears to my eyes, challenging my intellect and my imagination, and giving me an excuse to work on my typing skills... --seed