The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59427   Message #982468
Posted By: Bernard
13-Jul-03 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: Singaround, Lymm, Cheshire
Subject: RE: Singaround, Lymm, Cheshire
Liz had already told us she would be away in London, so she's excused.

JJ is also away somewhere or other, and is due back this coming Wednesday (16th July). So he's excused, too!

It is 'holiday season', after all!!

Sara is having a problem with her arthritic knee, so she and Harry couldn't be there.

Soooo... 23rd July is our next - erm - can't say 'session', or Pied Piper will complain!! Hah! ;^))

Song in the Snug it is, then! Which, unfortunately, abbreviates to SitS...!! I suppose it could be worse, tho'!