The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60711   Message #982678
Posted By: GUEST,presently cookieless paddymac
13-Jul-03 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Subject: RE: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Derak Warfield, of WolfeTones reknown, has a couple of solo CDs out dealing with US civil war material, with some historic and some original material. "Sons of Erin" has a lot of research included in the insert. I think Sigmund Spaeth was the original tune sleuth that connected "Bonny Blue Flag" to the "Irish Jaunting Car" melody. I have tried to follow that up with no success. I cannot find a version of any song or tune including "Jaunting Car" in its name/title that matches up with "BBF." That opening sixth interval is a pretty sure sign it's an old pipe tune of Irish origin. It's possible Siggie erred, or that there was such a tune which is now lost. Also very possible my digging has been insufficient. If anybody has any helpful hints I would be most appreciative.