The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61171   Message #982951
Posted By: Rick Fielding
14-Jul-03 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Subject: RE: BS: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Hey Don, do you know that there's a rock star named Alex Meixner who plays accordion?!!! How common is you name, are you related to musical royalty (Toronto Star, Monday) They've got a good website if you wanna look it up.


I understand that 82 year old Connery will shortly star with 23 year old Reeese Whitherspoon, in an old fashioned romantic comedy. His kids, Lloyd Bridges, Kirk Douglas and the late John Guilgid are against the marriage, but his grand kids, Mary Tyler Moore, Roger Moore and the late Dudley More are all for it. It's called "Just Depends" and is supposed to ne a laff riot, according to Gene Siskel.
