The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12438   Message #98346
Posted By: Mudjack
22-Jul-99 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Heroes (the truth, but BS)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Heroes (the truth, but BS)
I'm glad you clarified the thread to mean something besides a popularity contest to see who will get the most votes.
Now with that light illuminating and since I don't know what all the mudcat folks do or have accomplished, but two comes to mind as a major contributors to the Folk Music in this country. Sandy and Caroline Paton have been running the neatest little record company that comes second to none as far as being dedicated to folk and folk related music. Thus giving struggling songwriters, musicians a way to vend their music. Priceless dedicated spirit to the arts. Three cheers and a free round of drinks for everyone the next time I'm at the Mudcat Tavern. I quit drinking years ago, good thing, I'd probably be 86'd anyhow.