The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #983549
Posted By: Naemanson
15-Jul-03 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam
Yesterday as I wandered into the center of the office to get a 3-ring binder the gang at the lunch table invited me to sit down with them and have some ham hocks and taro leaf. Actually one of them first offered me a wedge of yellow and brown food-like substance and said I should have some keet-chit. At that the whole table errupted in laughter.

I knew then that the gauntlet lay there to be picked up and, not being one to refuse a challenge, I asked the question. Well, the food-like substance was quiche. But the word was Chamorro for sex. Not that they would tell me right away. No, I had to drag it out of them. Finally they came up with a Chamorro dictionary and let me read the definition for myself.

That launched a great discussion on Chamorro words and their meanings. One of the group is studying the language at UOG and had all kinds of questions for the native speakers.

In the meantime I ate the ham hocks and taro leaf. I'm afraid the ham hocks did nothing for me. They were cooked up in beans making a brown mash with the "meat" a roll of lumpy looking stuff. The taro leaf on the other hand was very good, cooked in coconut milk and ginger and some other things. It made a green and white mash that had a very distinct flavor. They commented that some people, when they cannot get taro, use the same recipe for spinach. Of course the meal is served with rice and fine dene sauce.

This morning I went to look at a place to live. It's in the village of Santa Rita up in the hills. It's a duplex and the side I might rent has 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, and a balcony that runs all around the second floor. There is a small yard and plenty of parking. It's on a side street off the Cross Island Road. I would never dream of driving those roads if we ever got ice here but that will never happen in my lifetime, or the next two years, whatever comes first...

And, drum roll please, this evening I am going to a Sotta, an open mike down in Tumon. I am taking my guitar along but I don't know if I want to try performing yet. It will depend on the audience. But tonight I begin my musical exploration of the island.

Wish me luck.