The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60888 Message #983603
Posted By: Noreen
15-Jul-03 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: Saddleworth Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Saddleworth Folk Festival
Yes Vince, Festival Lounge (back of the Civic Hall) is what Ali told me.
Thank you, Theresa, I could have sworn Ali's PM said it was on Friday, but going back and re-reading it she doesn't mention a day at all. Must have misread her 'see you on Friday'!!
Saturday is far better, of course.
R&WR, if you wish to bring along your Singing Together books we'd love to see them- I'm bringing Sue vG's collection, and there will be others there too.
The cute Ms Theresa Tooley has put together a booklet for use at the workshop, so no excuse for not joining in!
Mrs Duck and anyone else who doesn't know, Singing Together and Time and Tune were (still are?) put together by the BBC for use of primary schools; a radio programme accompanied by booklets of songs. You learn the songs and sing along with the people on the radio :0)
Interesting to us because traditional/folk songs were heavily represented; it's where I learned such songs as Ye Banks and Braes and The Keeper (which I've since learned is not really about hunting deer at all!)