The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60888   Message #983617
Posted By: Alio
15-Jul-03 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: Saddleworth Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Saddleworth Folk Festival
Been in Leicester on business a couple of days, so not been able to read the messages recently.

8 Pints - there may be some one over the weekend who could give you more information - possibll Mick, one of our committee, or John Howarth (of the Tinkers).

Sorry about any wrong info - blame it on the gammy leg / wine / work / stress / festival (please delete whichever!!) the Workshop is definitely on Saturday, and as far as my memory seves me it is in the festival lounge, at the back of the Craft Fair.

We can't say if the Bogle concert will be sold out or not, although it's looking that way. But with all the comps for artists, stewards etc. it's very hard to get actual numbers in advance.

Does anyone know what the weather forecast is, or don't I need to know?
