The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10062 Message #983803
Posted By: GUEST,
15-Jul-03 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Randall
Subject: Lyr Add: LORD RANDALL (from Tom Glazer)
This comes from Tom Glazer's version as heard on Volume I of the "Musical Heritage of America" (CBC Records, 1974)
Where have you been all the day
Randall my son? Tell me
where have you been all the day
My pretty one?
I've been to my sweetheart's, mother,
I've been to my sweetheart's, mother,
Make my bed soon, for I'm sick to my heart
And I fain would lie down.
What have you been eating there, etc
Eels and eel broth, mother, etc.
What was the color of their skin?
Spickled and spackled, mother,
What will you leave your sister?
My houses and cattle, mother
What will you leave your brother?
My gold and my silver, mother
What will you leave your sweetheart?
A rope to hang her, mother