The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60734   Message #983822
Posted By: Red and White Rabbit
15-Jul-03 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: Duel - MC Fat & Old Git
Subject: RE: Duel - MC Fat & Old Git
I have only seen wayne once but I have seen his exercise chamber.
My lord McFat has kindly donated various bits of equipment for said exercise chamber to 'firm up' Waynes muscles - I will not intercede betwixt Wayne and Chantelle -Leanne anyone who is as fit as Wayne is too much of a man - or perhaps a mouse - for me!! I think MCFAT thinks wayne might be a descendant of King Athur as he has placed the tube in the hole to replicate events with the sword in the stone!

There will be no 'improper firming' Lord Bulstrode - I intend to study my basket weaving class and be very good but I will take the saddleworth programme with me so that discussions about the duel may take place!!