The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10062 Message #983851
Posted By: Mary Humphreys
15-Jul-03 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Randall
Subject: Lyr Add: LORD RANDALL (Welsh version)
Here is a Welsh version of the same song, which goes straight from the 'speckled fish' answer to the living will bits of the song. The last bequest is the same as the English version. Interestingly, it can be dated to post-1850 as the sister gets a sewing machine as her legacy!I will translate for those as wants it. PM me. Sang it at Sutton ( Biggleswade ) Folk Club last week - with props operated by Anahata and translation flash cards by Jan Lane. Went down a treat.
Ple buost ti neithiwr mab annwyl dy fam ( x 2 ) Pysgota mam annwyl, O ch'weiriwch fy ngwely R'wy'n glaf, r'wy'n glaf A'm calon ar fyned i'r bedd
Pa liw oedd dy bysgod, mab annwyl dy fam Rhai brithion, mam annwyl
Be' roi di i'th tad,mab annwyl dy fam Wel,pum punt mam annwyl
Be' roi di i'th chwaer, Wel.injian i wnio,o'ch'weiriwch fy ngwely
Be' roi di i'th fam Wel, ffortiwn, mam annwyl
Be' roi di i'th gariad Wel' cortyn i'w chrogi o'ch'weiriwch fy ngwely R'wy'n glaf, r'wy'n glaf A'm calon ar fyned i'r bedd