The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61067   Message #984125
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jul-03 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: An Open Letter to the Angel of Death
Subject: RE: BS: An Open Letter to the Angel of Death
He's making a statement of pure faith, Amos, and people will defend their faith with utter tenacity, be assured! :-)

Amos is correct, PP. The brain is analagous to a radio transmitter, your ears and other senses are analogous to the antennas and receiving mechanisms, and your mouth and typing fingers are analogous to the speakers through which the program is beamed at the audience (other people, animals, and so on who happen to be aware of you). None of these is the original source of the message, however. The source of the message is pure intelligence (or awareness)...a completely non-physical form of energy. It existed prior to the body, it built the body cell by cell using magnificent intelligence, and it goes on existing long after the body ceases to be useful in any way whatsoever.

And Amos is the least fatuous person I've ever encountered on this forum.

You're just of a different religion, that's all, so you don't get it. Your religion has been called reductionism by some, mundanity by others, scientific objectivity by others...but be assured, it is just another religion with its own blind spots, taboos, and sweeping assumptions about existence. It's pure faith that determines your viewpoint, and faith is said (with little exaggeration) to be capable of moving mountains. Don't make the mistake of interpreting that literally, however, or you will miss the point entirely. The mountains that get moved are mountains of perception. When your faith changes significantly in some way...they move!

Separate a brain from the living intelligence that courses through it and you will have nothing but a soggy heap of rapidly decaying cells. The brain is NOT the source of the's the mechanism through which the intelligence communicates with and directs the rest of the physical body.

You've got the cart pulling the horse, son. :-)

- LH