The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12460   Message #98420
Posted By: WyoWoman
23-Jul-99 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Max is taking action
Subject: RE: Max is taking action
In this, as in so much of life, I simply cannot believe the energy and attention devoted to bullies. The distinction, as I believe has been mentioned on this or another thread, is not just that someone disagrees, but that s/he feels the need to try and poison the one(s) with whom s/he disagrees.

We end up with laws and law enforcers not because of the majority, who are generally content to live and let live, but to manage the unruly minority who, in my experience, won't stop pushing until they've backed someone in the corner and forced him/her to exert over them sufficient power to control them. It's an infantile behavior, but one you can depend upon in just about any human community.

So why all the lamenting? Someone got out of control, refused to institute his own internal controls and forced a decent, kind-hearted person, in this case Max, into coming down on him with a hammer. We all make choices, and Gargoyle's choice was to be a brat. When he learns to play with others, the door, as I understand it, is open.

Leadership means stepping up to the plate and making those calls when the time comes. You've proved yourself to be a good leader, Max, and I respect it.

Now, let's lay on.