The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61245   Message #984351
Posted By: GUEST,Newsflash
16-Jul-03 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
Subject: RE: Isaac McKittery : The Book Of Condolence
The Isaac McKittery Memorial Fund is instigating legal proceedings against Franklin Mint, the US-owned manufacturer and retailer of gewgaws, catchpennies and trumpery, after they have, it is alleged, been marketing an Isaac McKittery action figure without first having sought the Fund's permission. The Fund claims worldwide merchandising rights in respect of the dead Ulster folk-hero.

Dressed in black suit, with white gloves, bowler, brolly and sash, The McKittery "Deluxe Souvenir" utters a number of phrases - "Ulster Says No!", "No Surrender", "Gi's A Swig O' Thon Buckie Ye Tight Bastard" and "Anybody Want A Bang On This Joint Before I Put It Out?".

The US company was unavailable for comment.

However a spokesman for the Isaac McKittery Memorial Fund issued the following statement. "Them hoors' melts'll rue the day they messed wi' the boys of Killicomaine! If they don't back down they'll be the sorry men, 'n that's for sure! Ha' you got a wee feg on ye, by any chance, darlin'? I'm gaspin', I am."