The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10062   Message #984487
Posted By: GUEST,Q
16-Jul-03 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Randall
Subject: RE: Lord Randall
MMario, useful to those who have neither Child nor Bronson.
Several entries must be made into Search to bring up a few versions- to see what is there, I tried lord randal, lord randall, rendel, 12 and @child 12 but the threads contain more, plus some from other collections, and some from modern balladeers. A comprehensive search would be impossible. 12, of course, brings up many unrelated to Child no. 12.

Perhaps the best way to get the Child ballads, though, is through the complete text on the University of Hawai'i website. It is very easy to highlight and copy using file, print and 'selection' on Internet Explorer (haven't found the key to copying with Netscape yet).