The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50867   Message #984924
Posted By: open mike
17-Jul-03 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Gypsy Girl
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Gypsy Girl
i love that high woods string band album--
ws thinking of one of the songs yesaterday
as i passed by acres and acres of onions...
the tune was called "feed you babies onions
so you can find them in the dark..."
i was near hte Oregon'Idaho border...
they grow onions in oregon and potatoes in idaho..
the french (freedom?) fry and onion ring
industries are being well supplied by the looks
of the fields...also made me think of Cheryl
Wheeler's song potato which is to the tune of
the mexican hat dance...and which ends on
"TOE" as opposed to "TA" or "PO".