The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #985135
Posted By: Alice
17-Jul-03 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
The media has really smeared Dean with the "too liberal" label, a tactic to keep Bush in office. Governor Dean founded The Fund For A Healthy America to support the principles of fiscal stability, universal health insurance, better environmental protection, and equality for all Americans. From his bio at the Fund site, here is part of his record in Vermont:

quote "A common sense moderate who firmly believes that social justice can only be accomplished through strong financial management, Gov. Dean has cut the income tax twice, removed the sales tax on most clothing, and reduced the state's long-term debt. Not only did the governor pay off an inherited $70 million deficit, he worked with lawmakers to build "rainy day" reserves to help the state through any future economic downturn.

During the Dean tenure, more than 41,000 new jobs have been created,
the state's minimum wage has climbed twice, incentive programs have
expanded to help downtowns attract new businesses, and tax incentives were created to attract and keep new companies.

If fiscal management is Gov. Dean's trademark, improving the lives of Vermont's children is his passion. A physician, Gov. Dean strengthened
the Dr. Dynasaur program to guarantee health coverage to virtually every child in Vermont age 18 and under. Vermont has one of the lowest uninsured rates in the country -- and highest rates of immunized children. Gov. Dean has expanded programs to help seniors afford prescription drugs, and signed into law one of the toughest managed care consumer protections in the U.S.

It is preservation of Vermont's precious natural resources and landscapesthat the governor considers his legacy. Gov. Dean worked with local communities and the federal government to preserve more than one million acres of farmland, shorefront, working forests and wilderness. Under the Dean administration, 76 of the state's leaking landfills were safely closed, and Vermont became a leader in the move to reduce mercury pollution and stop power plants from polluting the air. Gov. Dean has created bikeways, lead the effort to restore commuter rail service in Vermont, and lead a strong, coordinated attack on sprawl.

Working with lawmakers, prosecutors, judges and law enforcement, Gov. Dean has cracked down on violent crime in Vermont and ensured that violent felons spend time behind bars. He has fought to protect family farms, increased the number of women and minorities in judgeships and other prominent positions, cracked down on domestic violence, and put Vermont in the forefront for child support collections." end quote

Here is a link to Fund For A Healthy America.