The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60888   Message #987595
Posted By: alanww
21-Jul-03 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: Saddleworth Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Saddleworth Folk Festival
Thanks AliO (and the committee) for all your hard work. In preparation for my 3 hour journey home, my final act on leaving the camp site at 11am this morning was to have a pee in the gents toilet of the rugby club changing room. Who should I meet there mopping it out? None other than Geoff, AliO's partner! Now, that's commitment!
Well done everyone, enjoyed it all and missed loads of it I would have enjoyed if I hadn't been double-booked. I cannot say better than that! See you again next year.
"... when all men sing ...!