The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51201   Message #987598
Posted By: Bobo
21-Jul-03 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: The Bluegrass Shop, St Petersburg FL
Subject: RE: The Bluegrass Shop, St Petersburg FL
No, it's not your problem. It's manners. Well you missed the real fun when that same person insulted me for being "off time" on that old bass. He said, it was not the instrument it was my timing and then started telling me how to play it and I said, "After 35 years of playing bass, I don't think I need lessons." Actually I should have said "...from someone who can't play bass..." But, I try to ignore that. Next time we just say, "Do you mind waiting until we are done?" Heck, we ain't shy. What little we did squeeze in was fun. Would have been more fun for another half hour or so. Laurie likes our early sessions so she can experiment with tunes and timing. Thinks you are a hoot. Next week or a fortnight from now?