The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51201   Message #987710
Posted By: Banjer
21-Jul-03 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: The Bluegrass Shop, St Petersburg FL
Subject: RE: The Bluegrass Shop, St Petersburg FL
Sounds like I missed the first half of a brewing broohaha!! The person you all are refering to is exactly the reason I leave my banjo in the case more often than not. I KNOW I can't play worth diddly, and I don't need to be told. I will admit he is a good scruggs type player, but I don't think he can do anything but! I did catch the latter part where Bobo was told he couldn't stay in time. Oh well, Pete and Ed will both be back soon!

What if???? We went next door and sat in the corner and played. It would be away from the mainstream and be free entertaiment for the hot dog store! (and maybe an occasional free hot dog, of course for ME to stop playing it would cost him more than a hotdog!, you guys can name your own terms also!)

Let's not take it too seriously, it will pass. See whomever next Saturday!