The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61450   Message #989146
Posted By: harvey andrews
23-Jul-03 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: RIAA suing individual music downloaders
Subject: RE: RIAA suing individual music downloaders
I've already downloaded and paid for all the recorded work of Blind Blake, the calypso writer i met years ago. (see other thread)I think this is the future. We need someone to organise a site for folk/acoustic music not appealing to the major companies. I'd be first in to put up the tracks i own to be selected and downloaded for a decent financial consideration and the first to use such a system to get the songs of the artists I admire. I have new songs, and the thought of being able to record them as I write them and add them to the list is very seductive.I'm singing the songs from the next album now and people are asking for them as they hear them. It would be great to say "go to the website and download it". Then I could produce a cd, when I had the necessary number of tracks, for those who don't use computers, financed by the downloads of the people who do. it would be a continuous process of creation and dissemination allowing a writer to write songs about the issues of the very day they're posted. I would have found that a very exciting concept in my early years when the songs poured out.