The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61539   Message #990157
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Jul-03 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you beat the heat ?
Being from Deckman's neck of the woods, I have to say that while I have lived in Texas a long time, I will never get used to it. Puget Sound cools better at night in the summer and never gets this hot during the day. The trouble up there is that people don't have air conditioning in the same way as down here--I stayed at my Mom's in Ballard a few years ago and her attic bedroom was an oven with no fan or A/C. We moved our cots and mattresses downstairs and slept in her office. I don't like the air conditioning I've had to live with in Texas--the vent blowing on my legs or feet makes them ache and I used to wear socks to bed when I couldn't move the bed away from the vent.

Trouble with mist is that it contributes to humidity. In the desert southwest evaporative coolers work because it is so dry, but they won't work around here in Fort Worth. Drink lots of fluids, wear a broad brimmed hat if you're out in the sun, and use a bandana over the back of your neck. Wear long sleeved shirts, as light-weight fabric as possible, if you have to do something like mow. It makes a difference--the sweat stays on the shirt and you're cooler than in sleeveless.

Sleep is a tough call--when it's coolest in the morning is when sleep feels best, but you miss your opportunity to go outside comfortably. I go out early now and water, weed, mow, whatever, as soon as the light is out if I wake that early.

My choice for sleep has several easy steps: take a warm (not hot, not cold) shower before bed. Use nice cotton sheets, don't crank the air conditioning down--I leave it around 80 all of the time. I have, and use, ceiling fans in every room of the house except the kitchen and bathrooms. Turn the fan on low, sleep in very little if any clothing (I wear just a long t-shirt), and use a simple cotton top sheet over your legs if the fan or occasional air conditioner bother you. The object is to sleep as warm as is tolerated. It does feel better.

I love the Ann Miller song in the musical Kiss Me, Kate--"It's Too Darned Hot." For those who don't want to find themselves stuck to a sweaty partner, but don't want to give up sex for the summer, perhaps a visit here will offer a helpful compromise. ;-)

And finally, a few observations on the Texas heat: