The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61558   Message #990312
Posted By: IanC
25-Jul-03 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Lost Lady Found
Subject: RE: Origins: The Lost Lady Found
The song appears in the Bodleian Collection on 19th Century broadsides by:

Kiernan of Manchester
Bebington of Manchester/Beaumont of leeds (1858-1861)
H. Such of London (1863-1885)
T. Batchelar of London (1823-1832)
J. Catnach of London (1813-1838)
H. Sefton of Worcester
H. Disley of London (1860-1883)
J. Pitts of London (1819-1844)

Judging from the typeface, the Catnach or Kiernan versions are probably oldest but neither looks earlier than the 19th Century. From this evidence, the broadside version of the song is pre-Victorian with a latest date of 1828 (TAQ based on the Batchelar copy).
