The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12510   Message #99046
Posted By: DonMeixner
25-Jul-99 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: I go away for awhile, what happened?
Subject: RE: I go away for awhile, what happened?
I have read a lot of posts, even the little Armalite post and I see no way to reply without offending someone or beginning a flame war with someone else.

I will say this. I have long held that the notion of freespeach is ours to use and obuse as we see fit. But with the priviledge to speak must also come the wisdom to remain silent. We all choose to visit and live in this house for a time each day and as a family we have come to know the shortcomings and blessings of many of our friends and antagonists. I would never think of of going to Katey's house and begin an acrimonious debate with her about her lifestyle, corn muffins, or the dustbunnies under the sofa. But I would ask her what it is about her life that makes it best for her, point out that Raspberry Jam instead of brown sugar improves cornmuffins some considerable. And then I'd say the dustbunnies remind me of home. We must not stop these debates any more then we should stop the search for music and songs. If we can't express and exchange views as freely as we express and exchange lyrics and music then we must consider this a regulated community. I must say that many of the views expressed that some considered with out merit I tend to agree with. But the way they were posted and supported was done in a hurtful and clearly mean spirited manner. If the forum is to be an Ivory tower, dedicated to music alone, I would offer this thought. Shut it down and start fresh with all attendees signing a contract that states no politics or treason spoken here. But think before we do what songs that will delete from our context. I'd rather come to this house with all opinions welcome and debate freely engaged as long as people aren't the brunt of insult and innuendo and civility is maintained. In any case, I'm here for the long hawl, cornmuffins(no raisins,please,) dust bunnies debate or not.

Regards to all.
