The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61577   Message #990968
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
26-Jul-03 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Witches! Good and Bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Witches! Good and Bad?
Magic (witchcraft) is there isn't a black witch or a white witch. It is the intent behind what you are doing that makes it good or bad. Im what you could a witch but practice a more traditional side of Witchcraft which means I am not strictly Wiccan....If you want to know more PM of if you are in London UK come and speak to me and my friends and family and we will be happy to answer your curisoities. Come to Pagan Events and ask people about it all and the various traditions within Paganism and Witchcraft you will be suprised how friendly we all really are.

Oh.....and I don't ride a broomstick.....I ride a dyson!!!*BG*