The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #991677
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jul-03 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog

First of all, I've missed my ol' pal and it's good to see you in good form...

With that said, guess who declared Dean to have lost the Dean/Bush/Big Media ambush on "Meet the Press"? Big Media, that's who!
Why? Because they are scared of him. Why? Read the words of Dean above in Alice's post and it is very clear that Dean has a very different vision of America that your pro-media consolidation guy, Resident Bust, 'er Bush. Sorry, Freudian slip....

And yeah, Dougie, lots of Greens will be working next year to get Bush out, while doing a much better job of vote brokering to get the necessary 5% to get in the '08 debates. They way your guy is propping his feet up on his desk with that little smirk thinking that '04 is in the bag reminds me of someone.... Like daddy! The recent tax cuts to the rich sealed his fate. He's no very much vulnerable because:

1. Giving money to folks who all rady have so much that they can't spend it won't stimulate the economy any more than a blood transfussion to a dead man will bring him back to life.

2. The American people, according to today's Washington Post, think that the tax cut was wrong and that there are way too many loopholes for corporations and the rich. Looks like '04 could be a ve5ry good year for class warfare.


3. History tends to repeat itself and daddy was a one termer...
