The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61577   Message #991868
Posted By: Alba
28-Jul-03 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Witches! Good and Bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Witches! Good and Bad?
Nice choices on the Music thread too Bryn. Blessed Be.

Kat, I use Dandelions in Salads and to make Tea and Wine, although I haven't made Wine for a few years now. The tincture you make, can it be used in the Bath as a relief for Rheumatics?
As for the term Non-Gardener, that's quite a good description of someone that does not try control Nature but who Harvests Her Bounty. I like that:>)
Ah but Spinners of Tales, were would I be without the Folk's with that particular Gift. Were it not for them I would only be able to stretch my Mind as far as I could take it, Word Weavers take those thoughts of mine and expand them and more often than not They open my eyes to the things I had never dreamed of. A truly Magical Gift.
There's a song in that name "Dandelion Row" though!:>)