The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12518   Message #99228
Posted By: Penny S.
26-Jul-99 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Twelve Days of Christmas
Subject: RE: LYR ADD Twelve Days
Joe, unfortunately there was nothing else, apart from its having been collected in Somerset. It appears that the possibility of hidden meanings was not being considered. The partridge bits I edited, as they didn't seem to make sense. It said that perdrix was French for pear tree, but when I learned the words "joli perdrix" in "Aupres de ma blonde", I was told it was a partridge. The notes assumed that as many as possible of the early words were birds, hence the goldfinches. I'll send the Noteworthy file as soon as I can. I wrote it in yesterday, and then saved it as a MIDI file, but when I re-opened it, it had garbled all my careful formatting. I won't be able to post via your link directly, either, because of the way this machine is set up. Expect the file from a very educational looking sender.
