The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61289   Message #992368
Posted By: Tyke
28-Jul-03 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: Anyone know George Clarke of Leeds
Subject: RE: Anyone know George Clarke of Leeds
Hello Kitty,
It's my understanding that Jim's session will be on in the Endeavour,when a Singaround presided over by Coblers Monday or parts of the group will be will also be runningat the same time. A lunchtime singaround (1-3pm)has been running in the Fleece for approximately 10 years and this session is just a continuation of that. Coblers Monday are not just a Shanty Group.
All it's members are solo performers in their own right and have a vast repertoire of song of all kinds. Mick Haywood most underrated as he is, as I have pointed out to a few people, is a folk song collector of some repute. He is now even at his young and virile age a source singer. His Folk Song Collection is long over due for publication. That said a Mister D Bull**** did allegedly get his hands on Mick's Song collection in the early Seventies and lost or allegedly lost the whole collection. So over due for publication as his collection is! I believe there are a lot of people who would say that it could have been far worse had D.B published it. Fortunately Mick has a memory and other organs like an elephant and he has completely restored his song collection. Could the person or people who keep sending offers for penis extensions to the Coblers Monday email address please note this last sentence and stop sending him offers of further enlargements. We are Coblers Monday and we sing for fun and to entertain and inform. Mick and Angi Haywood as most people are aware run the Whitby Folk Club 52 weeks a year making visitors and regulars welcome whilst giving all encouragement and the opportunity to sing and or make music
George Clarke