The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12525   Message #99292
Posted By: Roger the zimmer
26-Jul-99 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: The Most Romantic Song You Know???
Subject: RE: The Most Romantic Song You Know???
I don't know about songs to "make out" to. We always consider the Platters' version of "Smoke gets in your eyes" "our" tune, though we both end up in hysterics as neither of us can hit the high notes.
The idea of doing it to music reminds me of the story...
Oh, well if you insist!
Man has had heart op, asks doctor can I still make love? Doctor: "Yes, if you take it easy. Say, once a week, have a Sunday morning lie-in and do in time it to the tolling of the church bell
Doctor called up by wife next Sunday afternoon: husband has just been rushed off to hospital with another attack
"We followed your advice , doctor, it was all going fine till the fire engine went past."